Saturday, January 2, 2016

Second Meeting Promises

Second Meeting Promises 

Our last meeting was a success! The Daisies were so excited to start our second meeting so we quickly made our way over to our spot with friends in hand. 

We started our meeting with a snack and a book all about Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of The Girl Scouts. 
She was an ardent believer in the potential of all girls and the importance of fostering their individual growth, character, and self-sufficiency, Juliette is credited with establishing and nurturing a global movement that has changed the world.


We then introduced the Kaper Chart to the Daisies, which is used for the opening ceremony of our meeting. 
The Daisy Scout Law and Promise, Kaper Jobs, and songs that we will sing each meeting are included on this chart. 

Each Daisy will have a job every meeting ranging from attendance, snack and craft helpers, flag holder, friendship and pledge starters.   

As a troop we gather in a circle and say 
The Girl Scout Law & Promise along with the Pledge of Allegiance. And to end the opening ceremony we sing the song "I'm a Little Daisy" (to the I'm a little teapot tune)

girl scout embroidery pattern - Google Search:


The Daisies then sit down for the part of the meeting that we call "Circle Business", which is when we discuss the badge we are working towards. This week were learning about promises. After the book "A Promise is a Promise" by Robert Munsch was read, we opened it up to the Daisies to discuss what a promise was and what it meant to them. 

The girls were eager to share and promised each other to be a Girl Scout Sister to one another. 

After learning all about the promise of being A Girl Scout we moved onto our Activity which reinforced The Girl Scout Law and the meaning of each Daisy Petal. 

Since it was during the holiday season, we opted to create an ornament that could be a keepsake for our Daisies. Each bead is a different color that represents a different part of the law and a reminder to what it means to be a Girl Scout Daisy.  

After the activity, we cleaned up and prepared to close our meeting with a song "Make New Friends" and formed a circle for the Friendship Squeeze. 

We thoroughly enjoyed being with our Daisy Girls and look forward to our next meeting on 
Monday, January 4, 2016. 

Please remember to include a note to your child's teacher, an extra nut-free snack, and if possible the $27 fee for your child's uniform. 

Thank you kindly! 

Your Troop Leaders, 
Crystal, Christine, & Benares

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